General Rules

Shower: Please arrived showered to enhance the
experience for all users and our team,
especially in hotter months.

Foot massages: Cleaning of feet
is mandatory in our facilities with
soap and water to ensure a relaxing
and hygenic experience for everyone. In our facilities
we will provide everything necessary for foot cleansing.

Happy ending: We do not have the same idea as you might about this
concept – at most you can expect
confetti at the end of the massage, but don't expect anything
further. We are not that type of massage studio.

Trust in our staff: our team
of humans is comprised of qualified professionals (in
continuous training). Trust their
professional advice to improve your experience.

Conduct: for a positive experience for all, we do not tolerate
disrespectful or aggressive behavior towards staff or
other clients. Engaging in inappropriate conduct
(aggressive or violent) will result automatically in
expulsion from our facilities, without refund.
session booked.


Contracting our services
implies acceptance of these rules
