General Rules


It is recommended to come showered in order to improve the experience for all users (and our professional team). Especially important during the hot months.

Foot massage

It is mandatory to clean our feet with soap and water in our facilities so that the experience is more relaxing and pleasant for everyone. In our facilities we will provide you with everything necessary to carry it out.

Happy end

We don't have the same idea as you about this concept – at most you can expect to be showered with confetti at the end of the massage, but don't expect anything more. We are not that kind of massage parlour.

Trust in our staff

Our team is made up of qualified people (in continuous training). Trust them and accept their advice to improve your experience.


For the sake of good coexistence, disrespectful behaviour towards staff and other clients will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behaviour (aggressive or violent) will automatically lead to expulsion from our facilities, without reimbursement of the contracted session.


The hiring of our services implies the acceptance of these rules.

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