Osteopathy in Granada

Did you know that in osteopathy sessions we work with three main approaches?

These encompass all of the techniques needed to help the body's biomechanics function better. We use them to release blockages, guided by tests that adapt each session to your different needs.

The three key areas we focus on are: Structural Osteopathy, Craniosacral Osteopathy and Visceral Osteopathy. Together with personalized care, they help take your well-being to the next level.

If we aim to improve our posture, these techniques can guide us through the process of postural re-education. Together, over a series of sessions, we´ll explore self-care methods that you can easily integrate into different areas of your life, whether at work, during leisure activities, or in everyday routines. 

Discover Osteopathy in Granada with us at our center for massages, yoga and osteopathy in Granada.

Center for Osteopathy
in Granada

To achieve better and longer-lasting results, our center offers various types of osteopathy.

If you have a specific preference, please let us know when making your reservation.

structural osteopathy
structural osteopathy

With this technique, we focus on restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system, including bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue. Our main goal is restore mobility and elasticity throughout the body.

Structural osteopathy techniques help alleviate pain caused by poor posture, physical overexertion, compensation due to pain elsewhere in the body, sports injuries and stress.

You can receive a single session, though we recommend a series of sessions to allow the body to fully integrate the adjustments and adapt to new postures. For this reason, we offer packages of sessions.

visceral osteopathy
Visceral Osteopathy

With this technique, we work with the body's viscera, or digestive apparatus, in an indirect way, releasing tension from the abdomen. By addressing the fascia, a connective tissue that supports organs and muscles, we can relieve pressure and help the organs to function more effectively. This can improve digestion, relax the nervous system and promote overall balance and well-being.

As this technique occupies only a portion of a session, it is complemented well by other techniques like craniosacral therapy, reflexology, or structural osteopathy, depending on individual needs.

craniosacral osteopathy
Craniosacral osteopathy

This technique focuses on evaluating and improving the connection between the skull, spine and sacrum. 

Craneosacral therapy is based on the idea that the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, is closely connected to the bones, soft tissues and fluids that surround the skull and vertebral column. 

Using gentle manual techniques, your osteopath will evaluate and enhance the mobility and flow of fluids around the brain and spine. They may also work with soft tissues like muscles, fascia, and ligaments to improve the function and mobility of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Craniosacral osteopathy can help address issues like headaches, migraines, neck and back pain, jaw dysfunctions, sleep disturbances, balance disorders and emotional tension, among others. 
