Massage in Granada

In Quiroesencia, we embrace many types of both Eastern and Western massages and techniques that they adjust to your need, such as different types of pressure, speed, and manipulations that applied in a personalized way will help you enjoy the experience you want.

He hand massage, or chiromassage, is characterized by not using electrical devices or mechanical instruments, thanks to the continuous communication between the client and therapist through touch, it creates a link to guide the session with the techniques that best suit each case.

The various techniques applied depending on the specific objective to be achieved include traditional massage, Japanese massage, acupressure, sensitive massage, and myofascial techniques, among others. This set turns chiromassage into a powerful tool for health care and well-being. Discover the massage in our studio in the Albaicin of Granada when making an appointment.

Can book your massage sensitive or relaxing through our secure payment system or through e-mail, WhatsApp, either phone.

chiromassages in Granada

At Quiroesencia, we adapt to the needs of each patient and for this reason, we offer different types of massage depending on what you want.

If you have a preference, please let us know when doing your your reservation.

With this massage we seek to relax the tension accumulated by stress to which we are exposed daily in our routine.

The whole body is worked so that the experience relaxes us and releases tensions. The pressure is shallow and the pace slow, being able to reach a state of sleepiness. 

The space will have warm, dim light and candlelight, with Relaxing music adjusted to the quiet volume that the space requires. 

It is recommended to use the essential oil that produces the most relaxation to stimulate your senses just enough. 

The session is carried out with oil, so it is necessary to stay in underwear. Neither glutes nor chest are worked. 

Enjoy this massage and in addition to the benefits of the relaxing massage we will begin to delve deeper into the soft tissue such as fascia and muscle bodies. 

Is highly recommended if it's your first time that you receive a massage since it allows you to know different types of pressure. 

The pressure will be from superficial to medium, with joint movement and work on muscle stretching. The space will have cold light to be able to observe the musculature and the state of biomechanics well.

It is done with relaxing music adjusted to the calm volume that the space requires and it is recommended to use the essential oil that produces the most relaxation for you. stimulate your senses and reach the maximum state of well-being. 

The session is carried out with oil with which it is necessary to stay in underwear, under the consent of the client it can be done hip and pectoral unloading and stretching of the muscles.

with this session we will get one unloading of the musculature focusing on the most overloaded muscles. 

Although it is sporty, the pressure and intensity can be adjusted to suit any physical condition and that we can all enjoy its benefits. 

In it we will use several specific techniques such as the rolled clamp or trigger point, and above all the venous emptying to nourish and clean the muscles. 

The space will have cold light to be able to observe the musculature and the state of the biomechanics well, with relaxing music adjusted to the calm volume that the space requires. 

It is recommended to use the essential oil that best suits the muscular need, which can be hot or cold. 

The session is carried out with oil, so it is necessary to stay in underwear. 

Under the client's consent, hip and pectoral unloading can be done without any connotation beyond muscle relaxation and muscle stretching.  

With this wonderful technique you can achieve lose up to 1cm in diameter at the waist per session. 

We divided it into two parts: first a more mechanical one with toning massage with anti-cellulite cream and fascia and dermis work, with the possibility of reaching three levels of depth that you must choose, more superficial rolling pinching, and medium-depth rattling with suction cups. 

In the second part, the work will be more relaxing in which we will enjoy a lymphatic drainage, reflexology, and aromatherapy that will activate the metabolism.