Booking Cancellation Policy

Changes to an appointment that has been booked and paid for can be made up to 24 hours before the appointment, subject to availability. Payments made cannot be refunded.

In case of cancellation notice within 24 hours prior to booking, no change of date or time will be permitted.

In the event of not cancelling and not showing up or being late, there is no right to any refund or modification of the scheduled completion time.

Gift cards, offers and vouchers may be redeemed on dates or ownership depending on availability at, but they will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Quiroesencia and Granada Wellness, SL reserve the right to request a medical certificate proving that the holder of the service contract is fit to receive them. They also have the right to cancel any service if the holder of the reservation refuses to present it.

In the event of improper conduct towards any of the employees of this company or other clients, the service will be cancelled without any right to a date change or refund of payment.

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