Yoga and Meditation Workshop for the Spring Equinox!

Spring Equinox Yoga Celebration

Yoga and Meditation Workshop

You are invited to a spring equinox celebration! It will be a special yoga class on Wednesday March 20Ā from 18:00 to 20:00 to celebrate the transition between winter and spring. We will practice yoga in a balanced way to start this new season focused and clear. The class will be bilingual and multilevel, according to the needs of the participants, as always. It will be in the San Miguel Bajo room in theĀ Albaicin.

The return of the light in yoga
The return of the light in yoga



We will begin with fluid movements to warm up and connect with the body. This way of moving will also help us slow down and focus our mind on the present moment. It will be similar to Mindful YogaĀ which we practice every week in our group classes. Afterwards we will explore static postures to find the balance between the head and the body, between the earth and the sky, between the stillness of winter and the movement of spring.

At the end of the practice, we will do a long guided relaxation, followed by a gentle guided meditation. We will also set an intention for this upcoming season and participate in a ritual to seal the intention that each has chosen.


After our yoga practice, we will enjoy tea, snacks and conversation in the studio. Above all, we will enjoy sharing space and time in this beautiful moment of transition.

(Please let us know if you have any food allergies or intolerances ā€“ we are an inclusive community!)

This Yoga and Meditation workshop for the Spring Equinox will be ā‚¬35 (ā‚¬25 for current students).

Reserve your place by contactingĀ Contact AmandaĀ to Space is limited to 6 yogis and yoginis.

We are looking forward to celebrating the beginning of spring together!



Creating an intention for the new season